Type: V-7 Micro-Planet
Economic Class: Criminal
Population: 8.3 Billion
Capital City: Capone City
Climate: Artificial
Gravity: 0.51 G
Named after the Earth mobster who's legacy has been obscured and twisted by 1,300 years of history. Only those well educated in the ways of organized crime truly know the reference that is made. Capone is a very small planet with no atmosphere that seems unoccupied except for a few city outcroppings. However, beneath the surface - to protect its inhabitants from near constant bombardment by micro meteorites and solar winds - the entire sub-surface of the planet is covered by a vast city that stretches hundreds of meters underground. In the city of Capone, black market trades run unchecked and the Syndicates of Arcturus use this criminal haven to spread their tendrils throughout the system.